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Identify if your device is Replaced New or Refurbished iPhone?

Refurbished iPhone-

If you just bought a second-hand iPhone or iPad from a seller who confirmed that the device is brand new and not replaced or Refurbished iPhone to make sure we prepared this post to provide you with some important notes confirming this situation.

يمكنك مشاهدة الفيديو أدناه:

كيف تتحقق من موديل iPhone / iPad الخاص بك؟

لتحديد الحالة الأصلية لجهاز iPhone / iPad الخاص بك ، سوف نتحقق من موديل باستخدام الخطوات التالية:

  • افتح تطبيقالإعدادات "Settings"⚙️
  • اذهب إلى "عام "General"“,
  • انقر على "حول؟“,
  • اذهب إلى "رقم الموديل "Model Number"” which will look like “MGA92KH/A“.

Refurbished iPhone check -

ملاحظة: إذا كانت نتيجتك شيء مثل هذا "A1524” just tap on it to get this result  “MGA92KH/A

كيف يمكنني معرفة ما إذا كان iPhone الخاص بي جديدًا أو مجددًا أو بديلًا أو مخصصًا؟

من خلال التحقق من الحرف أو الرمز أو الرقم الاول، يمكنك بسهولة تأكيد الحالات المذكورة أعلاه.

  • M - هذا يعني أن الجهاز عبارة عن جهاز جديد تمامًا ، تم شراؤه جديدآ.
  • F – Refurbished means that the iPhone/ iPad / Apple products were restored to a fully working condition these devices were used before as display models or owned by someone before.
  • N – استبدال iPhone الجهاز ، يعني أنه تم استبدال الجهاز الأصلي بالجهاز الآخر بسبب طلب خدمة.
  • P - جهاز شخصي به نقش ، يعني أن جهاز iPhone / iPad تم تخصيصه بنقش عند الشراء. (بمعنى ان الجهاز بة حفر او نقش لاسم او شكل خاص بصاحب الجهاز)
  • 3A - وهذا يعني أن جهاز iPhone / iPad كان عبارة عن وحدة تجريبية من المتجر.

Refurbished iPhone, Replaced iPhone Or Apple Produced in Details

Refurbished Apple Products: are 100% good Condition products it’s exactly like new, all its parts are up and working in a good condition, screen, battery, charger and packaged in a brand like-new status,

You might get a plain box, not like the original box but it meets the requirements, but what inside the box is exactly the same, cables, documentation, stickers, and its accessories.

Refurbished devices are not like used devices as it goes through many testing stages for their components, hardware, software, battery, scratches, and more and if specialists find any defective parts they replaced them completely until it meets the same functional standard of Apple products and be in good conditions it’s exactly like new.

After fixing its defective parts, Refurbished Products goes to the cleaning stage to confirm that the devices are free of dust for their internal and outer parts until it gets exactly like new in Excellent conditions.

Refurbished Apple products will get a new Serial number that identifies them as refurbished.

All refurbished Apple products storage will be wiped off data, no texts, movies, pic or any data, devices will be completely fresh, whatever the device, mac book hard disk, iPhone storage, Apple watch storage …etc.

The operating system for all the refurbished devices will be re-installed after wiping all its data, so you will get a new updated operating system exactly like new.

All Apple Certified Refurbished products have a one-year limited warranty and if you want to buy additional coverage you can easily do that using AppleCare, i think 🤔 it’s worth more than used devices.

Refurbished Apple products iPhone, iPad, Mac-book, Apple Watch are cheaper than the original devices and worth more than the used device So

WHY NOT 🙌 ??

Refurbished iPhone - Refurbished iPhone - Refurbished iPhone -


Replaced Apple Products: This means that this device was replaced by a new one due to an Apple Services requirement, the replacement product may be new or equivalent to a new in performance and reliability

According to the above notes you can support your decision, as you can get a cheaper device compared to the original one if its a refurbished iPhone, iPad, Mac device …etc,

The notes will help you stay away from the engraved device if you don’t like it, or get it if you make a good deal, it also keeps you avoid the demo unit if you don’t like it,

you can also get more details about the device before purchase as the warranty statute, الشبكة الرسمية المغلق عليها الجهاز الشبكة مستبدل:- or not, telephone technical support status (Expiration date, when will be Expired ),

You will be able to know the purchased date for the device, and if it has an iCloud activated on it or not all of these details by just the الايمى واستخدام خدمة فحص الايمى service here’s an example below

لا تتردد و اتصل بنا إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة أو كنت بحاجة إلى مزيد من المعلومات.


Apple Pic