We know that it’s worse to get your iPhone/ iPad disabled when you pick it up, due to the attempted access to the passcode many times, this smart feature will be very useful for every stranger who wants to access your device data,
لكنها ستكون أسوأ إذا نسيت ذلك.
When the device gets disabled the only way to hack is to reset it and remove all the data from the device so this feature protects your data from being stolen,
But the bad scenario is when one of your kids tried many times to access your device to get his favorite game or favorite youtube video/song so if you don’t have a backup for your data, unfortunately, you will not be able to get it again.
Our guide below will help you unlock your disabled iPhone and iPad step by step with two different methods.
Note: if you have a backup for your data you can restore it after the upcoming process, but if you don’t have unfortunately you will not be able to get your data or save it because you don’t have access to it.
How to Unlock Disabled iPhone and iPad? [Method 1]
ملحوظه: the guide below works for both how to unlock iPad and how to unlock iPhone
- كابل USB Lightning.
- أنت بحاجة إلى جهاز كمبيوتر يعمل بنظام التشغيل Mac / Windows.
- تحديث iTunes App إلى الإصدار الأحدث.
- معلومات تسجيل الدخول على iCloud "اسم المستخدم" و "كلمة المرور".
1) Put your iPhone/ iPad into recovery mode
For owners of: iPhone 13 Series/ 12 Series/ 11 Series/ XR/ XS Max/ XS/ 8/ 8 Plus use the steps below:
- Press “Volume Up” and release it.
- Press “Volume Down” and release it.
- Follow quickly with “Side Button” keep holding for a couple of seconds an Apple Logo will popup keep holding don’t release until you get the recovery mode logo like the image below.
For Owner of iPad FaceID:
- قم بتوصيل جهازك بجهاز Mac / Pc.
- Press “Volume Up” and release it.
- Press “Volume Down” and release it.
- Follow the above two steps by quickly pressing the “Top Button” until you get the recovery mode (You will get a popup Apple logo while pressing the “Top Button” keep pressing don’t worry until you get the recovery mode )
For owners of: iPhone 7 / 7 Plus / 6S / 6S Plus / 6 / 6 Plus / SE / 5S / 5C/ 5
- Connect your iPhone device to your Mac/ Pc.
- Switch OFF your iPhone device.
- Press and hold your “Home Button” until you get the iTunes logo.
لمالكي iPad القديمة
- Connect your iPad device to your Mac/Pc.
- Switch OFF your iPad device.
- Press and hold your “Home Button” until you get the iTunes logo.
2) A pop-up screen should appear
on your finder, A pop-up screen should appear stating the message below
توجد مشكلة في iPad "" تتطلب تحديثه أو استعادته.| There is a problem with the “iPad” that requires it to be updated or restored.
ستظهر هذه الشاشة على Finder إذا كنت تقوم بتشغيل Mac أو iTunes إذا كنت تستخدم windows.
أختر "استعادة " Restore ثم "استعادة وتحديث " Restore and Update
3) اتبع الخطوات باستخدام”التالى" Next ثم "يوافق على“ Agree
Your Pc will start downloading the software for your iPhone/iPad and will then restore your iPhone/iPad when the download gets done.
4) Once finished, you will get a message, your iPhone/ iPad has been restored to factory settings
Wait until your device finishes the restarting process and it’s Done ✅, If you failed to unlock your Disabled iPhone/ iPad just try the other method below.
How to Unlock Disabled iPad / iPhone? [Method 2]
- قم بتنزيل البرنامجك firmware المتوافق لجهاز iPhone أو iPad من خلال IPSW اذهب إلى هناك اختر طراز iPhone أو iPad الخاص بك وقم بتنزيل أحدث إصدار برنامج متوافق مع جهازك.
- إذا كنت لا تعرف طراز iPad أو البرامج firmware التي يجب أن تختارها ، فما عليك سوى الانتقال إلى الإعدادات Settings -> عام General -> حول About -> تابع الى ألأسفل حتى تحصل على النموذج.
- Once you have the model use the موقع ويب Apple للتعرف على جهازك.
How to Unlock Disabled iPhone / iPad Step By Step Guide?
- Put your iPhone/ iPad into recovery mode check method 1 step 1 if you don’t know.
- A pop-up screen will appear stating the message below with three options “Cancel“, “Restore” and “Update“.There is a problem with the iPad “iPad” that requires it to be updated or restored.
- Choose the “Cancel” Option.
- like the top left-hand below screen you will find “Restore iPad“, Press “Option Key” for Mac or “Control” for Windows on your keyboard + “Restore iPad / iPhone” a popup screen will appear, choose the downloaded firmware and press “Open“.
- A confirmation message will appear stating the message below, click on the “Restore” button. (The message below depend on the latest firmware and your device model )
“Your Mac will erase and restore your iPad to iPad OS 9.3.6 and will verify the restore with Apple” - Your Mac or Windows will start preparing your software for restoration, the process will take a couple of minutes please wait until it gets completed.
- Once Done ✅ your iPhone/iPad will restart keep your device connected.
While fixing your disabled iPhone/iPad you might get (error 9006) here’s how to fix it.
How To fix Error (9006)
- Try rebooting your device.
- Double-check your USB lightning cable is the original or not, and try another one, disable all firewalls and anti-virus until you finish your steps.
- Make sure that your internet connection is working well.
- Make sure that you are running the latest iTunes version.
Finally, You did it
How To Avoid getting in a disabled iPhone with a passcode?
- Stop entering the wrong passcode more than once to prevent your iPhone or iPad from being disabled.
- keep your device away from your kids’ hands.
- Keep your device out of reach from strangers or Curious friends.
- Always keep a backup for your device to be ready for any accidental passcode lock.
we have tried our best if you faced any problem just اتصل بنا.
Helpful Links
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