كيفية إعاد ضبط iPhone الخاص بك.

كيفية إعاد ضبط iPhone الخاص بك.

If you are an old iPhone User I think you largely know how to factory reset your iPhone? when your iPhone starts badly behaving which is rare but in case it happened, the best option is to Reset iPhone/iPad, It’s not only the case but if you planning to sell your iPhone /iPad or take it to the repair center you should factory reset it, to delete your accounts and remove your Apple ID, and private data.

But before making the decision to take care of your data keep انها آمنة واحتفظ بنسخة احتياطية up, but what if the problem back again after recovering the backup from iCloud, that situation means that the backup itself is the source of the trouble so it is better to start downloading your apps manually and stay away from the backup to get your problem fixed.

Backup Your Data First

قبل أن تذهب إلى أبعد من ذلك حافظ على البيانات الخاصة بك آمنة و احتفظ بنسخة احتياطية up, Make sure that you have the correct Apple ID اسم المستخدم و كلمة السر as this will be the only key to your data being restored on your iCloud account, also Make sure you have a مصدر الإنترنت جاهز then start the following steps.

كيف يمكنني إعادة ضبط المصنع لجهاز الايفون أو الايباد؟

Update: This Guide is for all  iPhone / iPad devices that Support iOS 12 / iOS 13 /iOS 14  

  1. اذهب الى الاعدادات –> app –> Apple ID –> حالة الايكلود iCloud –> Find My iPhone.
  2. اغلق OFF Find My iPhone يتطلب هذا الإجراء Apple ID الخاص بك.

    كيفية إعاد ضبط iPhone الخاص بك.

  3. اذهب الى الإعدادات "Settings" app –> عام "General"
  4. انتقل لأسفل حتى تجد Reset.
  5. انقر على Erase All Content and Settings.

    كيفية إعاد ضبط iPhone الخاص بك.

  6. ستحصل على شاشة منبثقة لإدخال رمز المرور الخاص بك ، أدخل PassCode, then another screen with the message below to confirm the action, Tap on Erase iPhone.

    "سيؤدي هذا إلى حذف جميع الوسائط والبيانات وإعادة ضبط جميع الإعدادات "This will delete all media and data, and reset all settings" 

  7. Confirm your action, Tap on Erase iPhone. 

    هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد المتابعة؟ سيتم مسح جميع الوسائط والبيانات والإعدادات. هذا لا يمكن التراجع عنها "Are you sure you want to continue? All Media, data, and settings will be erased. this cannot be undone" 

  8. You might need to enter your Apple ID if you sign in,

Congratulation you did it, don’t worry it will take some mins.

Update: iOS 14 Users: After the device resters, you will have the Option To Set up Your iPhone as New or Restore from the backup it gets your old data.

How To Factory Reset iPhone & iPad on iOS 15?

Note: This Guide is for all  iPhone/ iPad devices that Support iOS 15  

  1. اذهب الى الاعدادات –> app –> Select Your Apple ID from the top –> Scroll Down, Choose Find My.
  2. Then select Find My iPhone Then Switch Off “Find My iPhone”إعادة ضبط الآيفون
  3.  A popup screen will appear Requesting Your Apple ID Password, Add Your Password Then Turn OFF It’s your turn to choose if you want to keep a copy from your Contacts, Heath, KeyChain, or Safari just turn on the toggle. Now your iCloud has been removed completelyReset iPhone 1

Now How To Factory reset 

  1. اذهب الى عام "General" from your Settings app
  2. Then scroll down until you get Transfer or Reset iPhone
  3. Select محو كل المحتويات والإعدادات then hit استمر add Your passcode for your iPhone
  4. Now you will get a confirmation message that all your data will be Erased confirm it and hit “Erase iPhone”

إعادة ضبط الآيفون

Now Your device will start the erasing process keep in mind that all your data will be erased, the process should take minutes it depends on how much data do you have, more data you have more time it will take, once done you will get the hello screen, better to keep your device connected to a power source if your device is below 50% to avoid any troubleshooting


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